

TEST 35.
        A dog once got a big bone. He went home with it in his mouth. On his way home he crossed a stream. He looked into the water. There he saw another dog as big as himself. The dog in the water also had a big bone in his mouth. "I will get that bone, too," said the dog to himself. So he barked at the other dog. But when he opened his mouth, his bone dropped into the water. He jumped in, but could not find the other dog.
        Thus the greedy dog had no bone for his dinner.

TEST 36.
        Today is Jack's birthday. All of Jack's friends come to his house, and they have a party. Each of them brings a present for Jack. Each of them is carrying a box. What is in each one of these boxes? There is a present in each one of these boxes.
        Jack is standing at the door. "Thank you, " he is saying. He is smiling. He is happy.

    創作者 MISTY-HUNG 的頭像


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